Posted 14 November 2005 - 9:29 PM
toomuch'stash Escribi�:
I downloaded a new one called 'Gun' last night... It's an old west first/third person shooter, sorta Deadwood style blood and poontang old west... I'll play it for 2 hours then get bored.
that's the thing with pc games: they are free but they are boring.
nah, only jocking...
#105 toomuchstash
Posted 15 November 2005 - 6:35 PM
DJ Dance Escribi�:
has any one been able to get quake 4 by means "other" than buying it all my torrents never start with that game.
Yeah, I Dled it, but I couldn't run it, cuz my box0r is weak sauce.... but it was from a private tracker, no new signups allowed.
Posted 21 November 2005 - 11:12 AM
Apart from that, I'm obsessed with Nintendo too.. I'm currently playing Animal Crossing, which is possibly one of the most creative games released during the 128 bits era..
#111 toomuchstash
Posted 21 November 2005 - 5:33 PM
Rented Halflife2, for the xbox, and I'm impressed as hell. I played the PC version, and the Xbox version looks amazing, really pushes the hell outta that console.
Posted 21 November 2005 - 5:40 PM
#113 toomuchstash
Posted 21 November 2005 - 5:48 PM
egil Escribi�:
A renting service?! Cool. They don't have any of those here, that would be awesome, since I can't afford buying every game that i just finish and never play any more after that... And that way would support the creators of the game and avoid the hassle of downloading it (i only got 0.5 mb ADSL :/)
Yeah, at video rental places here they rent Xbox and Playstation games. It's nice, cuz they rent them for a week, and most games I can finish in that time.
Posted 21 November 2005 - 5:52 PM
#115 toomuchstash
Posted 21 November 2005 - 6:09 PM
egil Escribi�:
They don't have PC game rentals ?! I suppose they're scared of piracy, but what they're doing is just to make more ppl download their games. To make ppl pay for games you've gotta make them feel it's worth it, that it offers something more then just downloading it. It's like CD's they got better quality and all that, but instead of taking advantage over that they just put some DRM shit on 'em so they're useless in a computer, and for ppl that don't have a proper stereo (like me) that's throwing away their money...
I download most of my games, because, well, they usually suck. I spend longer downloading them than I do playing them.
There's a few I'll actually pay for. After I upgrade my computer, I'll buy Battlefield 2, and Quake 4.... if it has really good online play, I buy them.
#116 toomuchstash
Posted 21 November 2005 - 9:48 PM
Posted 22 November 2005 - 12:42 AM
Posted 22 November 2005 - 2:38 AM
DJ Dance Escribi�:
aye Battlefield 2 is a game im glad i bought. i have had it since June and play it at least 2 a week. It has a lasting quality that i do enjoy. i just dled quake to see if i should buy it but it asks for the cd key even after i put in the crack and there isint enufe space to put in the cd key >.>
Apparently you need a pretty intense box just to run Quake 4.
I so want to play that game.
Jeez, I still need to get around to playing the latest Doom. But truth be told once I start with those first person shooter games, I can't stop. It's a worse addiction that this place.