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Posted 14 Apr 2015
Chemical Brothers @ChemBros ยท 21m 21 minutes ago Excited
@GlastoFest: Here is our first line-up announcement for Glastonbury Festival 2015 -
Don't Fight Control
Posted 2 Feb 2015
(I did a site search but couldn't find anything. Apologies if this has been discussed before.)
So this mash up of Don't Fight It Feel It and Out Of Control keeps popping up in Chems DJ sets. Presumably it was put together by the Chems themselves. Apparently it's been around for years as it has a vinyl release date of October 2007 on Discogs.
Although the 2007 version isn't the same as the one T&E are currently playing out, it sounds professional enough (to me) to have been an earlier version of what they're playing now. If the current version was put together by the brothers, does that mean this white label was quietly released by the bothers too?
Re: the current version of the track, this appears to be it on Soundcloud. Where did this guy get this? Have y'all got this version?
I'm liking the addition of Denise Johnson's "Rama-lama's" and the sound effects from Like A Motorway. Definitely better than the '07 version. How do I get it?
https://soundcloud.com/maurizio-modugno/the-chemical-brother-vs-primal -
Hey Boy Hey Girl V I Sit On Acid
Posted 18 Dec 2014
Disclaimer (or something): I searched the forum for Lords of Acid / I Sit On Acid before starting this thread. Couldn't find anything. If it's been discussed before...sorry!
So, I've been catching up on series 1 of the BBC's The Wrong Mans this week. It's quite entertaining as um, comedy-thrillers go.
I noticed that Emilia Fox was part of the cast, and had a quick Google to remind myself which CBs vid she was in. (I know I could have used this forum but...I didn't).
I (wrongly) ended up on the Wikipedia page for HBHG where I spotted something interesting down the bottom. An allegation of plagiarism: In an interview with BELPOP, Lords of Acid founder Praga Khan confronted The Chemical Brothers backstage over the techno beat used in "Hey Boy Hey Girl" that is identical to "I Sit On Acid 2000" released by Lords of Acid. Their response to the allegations was "Everyone steals from everyone."
There's also a link to the BELPOP interview video on youtube at the bottom of the Wikipedia page. I think it's in Flemish, so all I can understand is the bit about Mr Praga Khan meeting Mick Jagger. Can anyone else understand him? The "2000" at the end of I Sit On Acid's title interests me. You can probably guess why.
I was familiar with "I Sit On Acid" from "As Heard on Radio Soulwax pt 2". But that's a Soulwax remix anyway, and doesn't sound like HBHG. So I had a listen to "I Sit on Acid 2000" on youtube (splendid video!), and obviously there are huge similarities. But of course this track is dated after HBHG. So, I also had a listen to an instrumental of the original 1988 version here:
It sounds kinda messy but maybe there's something in it (I'm not very good at chord spotting but some of you might be). Thoughts anyone? Other than the obvious ones about the lyrics, that is!
Incidentally if I have learned nothing else from this uh "investigation", I have at least learned that the guy who made a cheesy old rave fave of mine, Injected With a Poison also made I Sit On Acid. -
Drive Rescored By Zane Lowe/bbc
Posted 1 Nov 2014
Yep Drive, the Ryan Gosling film. A brave move to pick this film as it already had a great soundtrack. Also an original idea - to contact Nic Winding Refn and to show the rescored film in full on BBC3 last Thursday. I missed it on Thursday but it's currently available to watch on BBC iplayer. I don't know if this works outside the UK.
I've watched the first few minutes and I'm liking the Eric Prydz track. I suspect I won't be so keen on Bastille's contribution...
Drive rescored and more -
There's A New U2 Album (Whirly)!
Posted 10 Sep 2014
Well plenty of you won't give a damn, and maybe the rest of you know already.
But just in case you don't know, itunes have made the whole U2 album available for free to download right now. Physical release is in October I believe.
Songs of Innocence
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