- Official Forum for The Chemical Brothers: We Has Further! - - Official Forum for The Chemical Brothers
those are the only 2 samples credited which i posted in the "Unanswered questions about Further."
No credits for Tom, just Stephanie Dawson. I have a promo so the full cd + dvd may have more?
<The C, the H, the E, the M, the I, the C, the A, the L, the brothers! THE BROTHERS!>
i cannot wait to get my various physical copies of the album, my collection is getting lonely with out it, the other albums know one of their kind is missing!
Your love keeps lifting me...
Defined a little more formally, "escape velocity" is the initial speed required to go from an initial point in a gravitational potential field to infinity with a residual velocity of zero, with all speeds and velocities measured with respect to the field
Maboul59 - that was my Further for the last week.
SPOILER: Further credits below if you're chemicalmat. Very brief, no mention of Tom singing. This is the promo but I'm guessing they'll be the same.
<The C, the H, the E, the M, the I, the C, the A, the L, the brothers! THE BROTHERS!>
It's the Theremin of Bruce. And now Ed has it own Theremin.
Maybe it's Bruce that give his Theremin to Ed, or Ed was jealous of Bruce and ask a Theremin for his birthday.
Ed !!! Help us with this very important question !
Oh, I forget, Ed had his Theremin in Japan, so Bruce is maybe Japanese, what is logic, because I think Bruce Lee was Japanese too.
Hum, it's week end, I'm tired.