I think I speak on behave of alot of of people when I say The Chemical Brothers should visit Canada. Esspecially Toronto.

Posted 19 September 2007 - 3:35 AM
There are enough people here trying to convince them to canada. including myself in the americanized province of alberta.......I still think they only go to montreal or Toronto if they ever play canada again. also, I dont blame the chems for not playing here. I blame canadian immigration. They make everything impossible to get work visas here.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 19 September 2007 - 6:01 AM
It's also just part of the problem with the logistics of bringing a massive Chems live show across North America for a significant tour. Even the States has only gotten a handful of dates in the past couple years.
Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver are the only realistic places for Tom & Ed to set down in.
I have to give big props to Soundwave Entertainment here in Winnipeg for attracting big (re: I'm not denoting quality, although I enjoyed the night) names such as Tiesto but even he didn't have his full light setup compared to what he rocked in Vancouver the following night. Ah well, I'm going to see what Eddie Halliwell has to bring to the table in a couple weeks.
Posted 19 September 2007 - 8:24 PM
SHHiiitttttttt, I know guys! We gotta convince them to come here! I tried! I sent them lots of messages through myspace (that probably wont do much). There are sooooooooo many people here who would go to a show. They would be friggen sold out in like 10 min. But despite all my rambling, it wont do anything. :(

Posted 19 September 2007 - 9:00 PM
I just dont want to end up going to calgary for a show........BAH HUMBUG to calgary!!!!! (sorry, issues with an ex)
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 19 September 2007 - 11:09 PM
You're Edmonton, right, Rynostar? I don't think you have to worry too much about a Calgary show, fortunately/unfortunately.
Toronto, Vancity, Montreal are really about all that can expect some action in the next year or two (if we're lucky!!!) if Philly, Miami, DC, etc. aren't getting love down south right now.
Logistics blow.
(And I'm not a fan of Calgarians in general... But that's because us Winnipeggers have a chip on our shoulder :) )
Posted 20 September 2007 - 2:00 AM
I just really hope that we are getting the message through to the bros. Maybe they see all these people on here begging for a canadian show and they at least concider it. If they at the very least know that there is fucking huge fan base here. Just as big as Japan. I just really want them to think about that.

Posted 20 September 2007 - 6:19 AM
yes dakstar I'm in edmonton
yah, the work visas for 3 or less shows in canada would be easy. That's why you see alot of the foriegn acts play the Big 3 typically. It's when it comes to making it to small markets where the companies (record) don't want to spend the extra expenses to play shows where it could be harder to obtain legnthy visas not just for the artists but the whole road crew. That's why it's a big thing when artists play very small markets.
Take The White stripes this summer playing all ten provinces and all 3 territories. The 3 teritories get few shows because it costs so much money to fly equipment, labour, and then spend alot of money in those markets. The white stripes even said they were losing money on the tour.
In the end, medium market shows (Edmonton, Winnipeg, Regina) are possible but it comes down to do the artists have the pull, do the companies want to spend the money, and is there demand in the market.
(Also this is probably the theory behind any market in the world so in a way I'm speaking not just on a local canadian level but an international level)
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#15 Jennyk
Posted 20 September 2007 - 6:54 AM
If they played Three shows in canada at least I can almost garentee that they would sell out. I know Canada's Imigration is competly Messed up when it comes to preforomers. ('ve seen a few bands not aloud in.) Its been to long and in a way its not fair to their many fans here. There Music is awsome and to experince them live would be more then amazing.
Posted 21 September 2007 - 4:49 AM
another dream live collaboration.....that would be bliss. I still thought it was nutters when I saw Tim burgess preform with them at Fuji 04 drunk out of his mind.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 21 September 2007 - 9:44 AM
Our new arena, the MTS Centre, is one of the busiest venues in the world now in the two (three?) years it's been open. The dollar is at par, everything else is good. Is there demand for a top-level show though? Tiesto drew about 2500 here, which isn't enough for an arena show. I think the Chems would draw around the same in Winnipeg but that's still not that large compared to 5,000 at the Government in Toronto or around the same at PNC in Vancity.
Still, I hold out hope that my dedication may one day win through.
If only I'd had a cigarette for Ed in Turnmills when he asked me, maybe.... :(