Posted 26 March 2007 - 2:48 AM
I was a complete xbox fanboy, until I realized a few things about the PS3:
First off, the xbox HD addon can ONLY play movies, it cannot be used for gaming content.
That means that eventually, the PS3 games will have a maximum size of 50 GIGs, compared to the 9 gigs max size of an xbox game.
5 times the content, and there's absolutely no way that xbox can beat that, ever. well, I guess they could ship a game on 5 seperate DVDs, but that's unlikely.
Secondly, the PS3 hardware is much more advanced than the xbox hardware. Twice as many processors or something. The reason the games *right now* don't look better is that the hardware is so advanced no one really knows yet how to program for it. When they get it opitmized, it will basicly be Pixar movie quality (there's a PS3 game coming out called Little Big Planet, that looks like a pixar film).
So, it's going to be a lot longer before the PS3 is obsolete.
Lastly, the new PS3 online service, called Home, is simply fuckin amazing. You get to make an avatar, map your own face to it, and there's a huge, persistent online world, where you get your own apartment, that you can stock with whatever digital content you want. Want to have your virtual friends over to watch a movie? upload it to your PS3, invite them over, then all their TVs will stream the flick in full screen to THIER ps3s. same goes for movies and pictures. Want to watch a movie you don't own? you walk your avatar to the virtual cinema, and bam, full screen HD quality movies.
And how much does SOny charge for their online service? Nada. That means that a PS3 is actually cheaper than an xbox with a wireless adapter and a year of xbox live.
PS3 > xbox.
Like I said, I was a xbox fanboy, and it hurts to admit I was wrong, but I was.
As for the wii, it's a novelty, not a next gen entertainment center.