So today, i realized why i hardly pop into forums any more....
A forum is really about discussion and problem solving. Not flaming some moron because he is in fact, a moron. Who cares if Do It Again is minimal?! So was Lost in the K-Hole. More like psychedelic minimalism, but i dont think determining which chem track belongs to which genre is really important to anyone.
Can you honestly place yourself into a clique of people? And do you like being part of that singled out group?
Why is it important to degrade the Brothers' "children" as i like to call their tracks, into something that fits into your small reality seperate from everyone elses? Because you think your special and the tracks were made for you, right?
Well music is the soundtrack to each and every one of our lives. Im a producer myself, but im not opt to share with anyone thats not near to me. I live through sound and vibrations, but that doesnt mean i have to destroy everyone elses structure of beliefs by letting them know im better than them.
If Tom and Ed really did visit this forum as Milico or whatever, id bet they are disappointed in most of their so called "fans". I would be. Id make the music for myself, and just tour. The real fans will be at the shows instead of nagging back in forth at one another like we're a dysfunctional family.
On some level we are family. You have rita who's the annoying little step-child and slipvin, who thinks he's God's pet hampster so worship him. And then you have everyone else, who, because they have more albums and singles than you, they pwn joo ass.
Everyone here, whether they like it or not, loves the chems. I wouldnt go to a Simple Plan forum and waste my time punching kids in the face. Life isnt about wasting time, unless youre about wasting life, if thats the case, do yourself a favor.
If you've taken the time to read all this, you might be listening to me, and i continue...
The chemical brothers, are not big beat, they are not psychedelic rock, they are not trance or anysort. They are Chemical Music. Chemical Sounds. Chemical Spine-Tingling Vibrations. They are a sensation, a feeling. Don't waste time trying to explain the non-physical using physical terms. It just can't be done. Yes you can pick up the frequencies on a ocsilloscope, but can you pick up the hairs standing up on the back of your neck? Pure mind altering music.
Life is not worth living without music. I surround myself in it, whether its producing, listening, experiencing, or imagining. It appeals to all senses, even smell if your at a show and you smell something danky or someone ranky. You can even allow your brain to produce those smells, living in your mind.
The chemical brothers have opened my mind, but they are in no way God, well i suppose it depends if you have a Western or Eastern idea of God. They are travellers like all of us, sharing a vision of pure imagination and harmonic frequencies moving over intricuit textures, spiralling into nasty beats. It's just good clean fun if you ask me!
Okay, that was my Friday morning rant. :):)
im interested to read comments...