The 'What made you'r day ?' thred
Posted 05 November 2003 - 6:22 AM
okies so lets talk about us .. where a tight lil group are we not? so hows everyone doing ? post daily feeling etc.. ( other peoples pain brings me pleasure, other peoples pleasure brings me extacy ) me im doing ok school is hard and stuff ill be more open later imn tired its 3 am and i got to get new psyc meds at 10 am ( yes im crazy ) to strt talking all cheers! ;-) }:-)
"The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there"- Leslie Poles Hartley
Posted 05 November 2003 - 4:14 PM
Not today but yesterday, I had two wack job older customers (the lights in the attic were burnt out... if you know what I mean) who wound up arguing with some coworkers about Dave Matthews. They were convinced Dave Matthews was deceased, as he had gotten hit by a car driven by Ronald Reagan earlier that afternoon. Can't say it made my day, but it made me laugh!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 05 November 2003 - 7:39 PM
i be sick * pukes * blah and i have to go to class in 2 hrs plus i have a paper due i havent even started.. nature vs nuture.. why people do the things they do its an opinion paper blah so why do people do the things they do !?!?! :?
"The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there"- Leslie Poles Hartley
Posted 05 November 2003 - 7:49 PM
this is random, but something I really enjoy. I usually wake up about 2 hours earlier than i would if i were rushed in mornings and right away put on a cd... usually it's the same cd because it's got all the songs that have positive feelings for me, stuff like the chems, coldplay, bob marley, and so on. even though I've listened to this cd almost everyday I always seem to be singing the lyrics really loud (this is also when I have coffee) and enjoy it as much as if it were new. Something about playing feel-good music (such as life is sweet, golden path, in my place, and clocks) loud first thing in the morning and having this free time always gets my day off to a great start.
it's pretty much celebrating the same thing every morning, i don't know what, but it's something...maybe free time. I'd suggest it to anyone who is able to play music loud in the mornings and not be murdered. so try waking up a little early, brew some coffee, put those songs that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside on a cd and just give into the music (my way would be singing a little too loud)
it's pretty much celebrating the same thing every morning, i don't know what, but it's something...maybe free time. I'd suggest it to anyone who is able to play music loud in the mornings and not be murdered. so try waking up a little early, brew some coffee, put those songs that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside on a cd and just give into the music (my way would be singing a little too loud)
Posted 05 November 2003 - 9:20 PM
Hi guys i am back and on the rant. I will post regularly now. I had some issues which need my attention but now i am back and a true fan once again. What's new here ? Antype's new site, chemicalreaction's new sig( i am suprised), we got more people coming on the forum .Great! I saw chems dj in NY and it was fucking great. I had the most fun. :D
Posted 05 November 2003 - 10:31 PM
hmm... I got out of class an an hour and a 15 minutes early today.... That made me feel good. But what made my day..? Hmmm... must've been coming home to Hey Boy Hey Girl really loud :P
Or getting 80% on a test where I had no idea about the subject. or having 5-10 people in each class. Today was a good day
Or getting 80% on a test where I had no idea about the subject. or having 5-10 people in each class. Today was a good day
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.