haha - Frans was the funniest. Especially since he stood firmly behind his statement Ed's "a fat bastard who eats sandwiches during shows" - BEAUTIFUL!!! :D X-D

Ask Tom n Ed, n forget bout it.
Posted 28 March 2004 - 4:18 AM
Frans is definitely blunt and to the point, and always *always* stands firm on his ground. Some things he's said in the past I don't agree with, but he gives a different perspective and explains well so that makes it easier to see where he's coming from. Frans is a good guy really, but can be really intimidating.
Frans actually did make an appearance at chemicalbrothers.com - the old board I think. He went under the name djsystem. He's always been critical of Surrender. ;)
The whole sandwich thing, really, stems from this girl named Clio who saw the Chems do their thing live, and spotted Ed taking bites off a sandwich. I don't know, I wasn't there, but Clio is a woman of her word... Poor Ed, nobody ever let the man live that one down!! A man's gotta eat!!! :D
Frans actually did make an appearance at chemicalbrothers.com - the old board I think. He went under the name djsystem. He's always been critical of Surrender. ;)
The whole sandwich thing, really, stems from this girl named Clio who saw the Chems do their thing live, and spotted Ed taking bites off a sandwich. I don't know, I wasn't there, but Clio is a woman of her word... Poor Ed, nobody ever let the man live that one down!! A man's gotta eat!!! :D
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 28 March 2004 - 5:07 AM
when the old message board was around, there were a few topics where people were just arguing, there was a message left after that saying 'cmon guys cant we all just get along' and the name was Ed if my memory isnt bad. and the funny thing was everyone was apologising to each other after that. but i dunno
Posted 29 March 2004 - 12:54 AM
The mother in me strives to break apart a fight. Flaming can be amusing if at the end of the day people are friends, or if they are just taking the piss. Flaming just to be a dick etc. I have little patience for.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle