Posted 18 February 2003 - 6:38 PM
The girl swimming around, the funky jellyfish and a bunch of orange circles flying around
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 04 February 2005 - 9:27 PM
Antype, you may or may not already know this but some of the chems b-sides were streaming off the official site, obviously those links have gone. But I made a playlist and still have the link for buzz tracks, so if you want to listen to it:
Posted 23 July 2005 - 3:02 AM
TEH watcher Escribi�:
Man, I want to love HIA so much, but I just don't... get it... can someone explain why its awsome?
Is club friendly,Great Build Ups,Funky Bassline,I love that sound i dont know how to describe it, that kind of space sound.... like bubbles in the space? :D
"Music Takes me" 8)
Posted 28 March 2006 - 7:57 PM
i think its on the double promo vinyl for the come with us single as well - along with an h-foundation remix of come with us that didnt make the final single. (very dissapointing remix actually, especially after their monster chic-o-la mix)
god bless vinyl exchange in manchester.
god bless vinyl exchange in manchester.