prochem - I realized I forgot to say "thanks for the info about The Reel" So I wanted to say "thanks!" It makes me a little giddy having something collectible like this especially since The Reel is my favorite tune. And I've never seen this single in any format in a shop here before.

General Bullshit Chat
#5861 whirly
Posted 16 October 2007 - 10:21 PM
#5865 Jersey
Posted 17 October 2007 - 5:38 AM
Well off topic, but I'm bored and sick of going through Autocad and WoodWop. So I'm planning my Aussie trip while browsing the torrents. And chatting to some very very cool ppl down under. Other than that, drinking gin and tonics......god I cant wait for this week to end. :)
#5867 Jennyk
Posted 18 October 2007 - 7:35 AM
YOOOO! I got suspended from school today! For refusing to take off my head phones,Skiping AND laughing at my teacher. Her last name is drew, first name Nancy. LMAO. Any one would have laughed. I was just the only one who wasn't to scared 2 do it. FUCK highschool.
Posted 21 October 2007 - 7:48 AM
haha you got one too?! was looking at that first trying to figure it out who it was... good time had by all I suppose.
I'm a bit pissed right now... had to go to bed early tonight since i work at 6AM tomorrow and at 10pm tonight it sounded like the fuckin party posse patrol kicked down my door cause my housemates are having all these people over jabbering back and forth. And of course what would a santa cruz social be with out bad reggae blasting? don't think i'll ever be able to listen to that music again after the numerous amounts of times this has happened, fuckin bohemians.
Posted 21 October 2007 - 11:29 PM
I'm a little happy today. Why? I went to this Flea market type event down by my school today called 'Pop Culture Fair'. Whole bunch of different vendors were selling comics, records, cds, toys, shirts, misc. I came out of there with EBW 3/4 on Vinyl. I was so excited when I found it. I've only found one other EBW in edmonton. My friend who was working behind me in the radio booth was wondering why I was in weird happy mode when I found it. So add another weapon to my collection. Can't tell if it's a booty though. Has the proper sticker for the EBWs. Has the exchange/mike's and the XDUSTLPDJ 3 on both sides. Even if it isn't, I'm happy :)
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 22 October 2007 - 9:21 PM
I dont wanna keep bumping the Ed/Lilly thread so here is some pics of the wildfires in S. Cali:
[addimage] [/addimage]
Posted 22 October 2007 - 9:32 PM
I need to study SO badly. I wasted the entire weekend having a great time and procrastinating and now it's crunch time for Wednesday's Clinical Pharmacy midterm... D'oh!
My TPPR is #19825 and it's definetly in "used" condition but it's still nice to have.
#5875 whirly
Posted 22 October 2007 - 10:30 PM
The fires are out of control. Welcome to S. California where we have 2 seasons: fire season and mud slide season. Oh, and earthquake season which can happen anytime without warning. :P The price we pay for having relatively nice weather I suppose.
It's weird outside and eerily quiet. There's not a bird in the sky, which has an apocalyptic orangey yellow tinge and you can't see a mile away for all the hazy smoke. My sons's school was closed since it's right next to a high hazard fire zone, and my mom who lives in N. San Diego county just called and said she's watching houses go up and propane tanks explode from nearby neighborhoods.
I hate it when fire season kicks up because all I can do is hope the canyon hills behind my house don't go up in flames.
#5877 whirly
Posted 25 October 2007 - 10:14 PM
Send us some of that rain, graysquire! We sure could use it. I think last year, Los Angeles got less than 4 inches of rainfall.
stash's sister is about ready to burst out a baby. He (it's a boy) is due today sometime around 4pm. For those of you who met our brother-in-law Eric when you were out visiting, this is his first child. Wish him luck!!!
Posted 25 October 2007 - 10:43 PM
awww whirls!! fingers crossed for eric and his lady!! connors gonna get a cousin to play with now eh hehe
eric is a diamond geezer, hopefully he'll be chomping on some of these later today :)
glad to hear u guys are doing ok with the fires and shit, me and chebbers where chatting about you this evening and its weird hearing how the flames were 10 miles from your gaff!
a mate of mine is off to LA travelling next week (at the start of a round the world trip) and shes freaking a bit because loads of tourists are being turfed out of hostels to make way for the evacuated folk (as well they should be i might add) - nice timing!
#5880 whirly
Posted 26 October 2007 - 1:38 AM
Hey mips!! I'll pass along the good wishes to Eric when I speak with him. Right now I'm sure he's pulling his hair out. No baby yet!! He and stash's sister are living up in Seattle now, and they miss California and whenever we see him he talks about how cool it was to meet you all - it was a good memory for him.
Hopefully by the time your friend comes out to visit the air will be easier to breathe (LA is smoggy!) than it is now - and I'm sure she'll be able to find a place to stay since the LA fires are under control, people are going home. Just tell her that San Diego is where hell broke loose - if she goes there then she will have a very tough time finding a place to stay.
voodoo - sorry to hear you got caught! Was it by the parental unit or the narc patrol at school? I remember when I got caught smoking in the parking lot of my high school. Man did the shit hit the fan, not much ever came of it just a scolding from the principal - and not much lecturing from my mom since she smokes like a chimney herself!