I finally realized the meaning and general message behind the ?Hey girl Hey?? video. It was a realization just like the girl in the video got when she received the powers to see bones. But this is not a power, in fact it happens to most of us, the realization of what we really are on earth and the realization of the simplicity of the human creature. Just as I realized that we are simply walking bones which came from nothing and will return to nothing. This realization is difficult to express in words but its effect is clearly depicted by the girl in the video. She acts alien because it?s a mystery and wonder. The wonder is trying to solve what are all these bones doing. Sounds simple but its not. What was once so easily created and massed has little relevance to anything but to exist for the sake of existing. If this hits you, you too will start seeing some people as bones. If you do, call me! I have another more important message that will change your life. >> butterjump@hotmail.com

message behind the ?Hey girl Hey?? video. CODE
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Posted 14 March 2005 - 7:35 AM
Thanks for all the replies but I believe I owe you a follow up. It?s about the intrinsic qualities that separate us from the next stack of bones. If we are all the same then it is possible to be the greatest valued person or least valued person. This will make you question your own value, and this is what the Chemical Brothers realized > the treasure chest of genius. These are the intrinsic qualities that make us questions what are all the other bones doing but just existing when they should be pursuing the treasure. I know this sounds strange to you, but if you?ve captured the treasure, every word here will sound like poetry. If not I can show you the treasure, call me! I have another important message waiting for you ? butterjump@hotmail.com
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