General Bullshit Chat
Posted 20 December 2006 - 8:12 AM
Dot has a strong sense of responsibility as a representative of Scottish female artists and is proud that she has never compromised on what feels right to her.
"I've never posed in a bikini or played the game," she said. "I've stuck to my guns about stuff like that and it's felt like swimming against the current.
"There's been pressure to become glossy and glamorous but when I've been asked to pose in a bikini I've said, 'Just forget it.'
"Would you make one of The Chemical Brothers pose in Speedo trunks? I don't think so."
Hmmm. Strange, but confronting example she chose there. Alot of people would disagree... *cough* t_r_c_chi *cough* ;-) Someone give Tom and Ed some Speedo trunks at NYE. :cheeky: :-D
Full interview
Posted 20 December 2006 - 9:18 AM
has been quite weird, no its not actually me, im not that cuntish, but he does have the same name as me. ive had freaky messages on myspace and lots of mates ripping the piss.
weird email from myspace - I only saw your profile because I was looking for the guy they arrested for those prostitute killings in England and apparently you have the same name as him. (They said he had a profile on myspace and showed his photo). Anyways, I'm glad it's not you :) Hope you're having a good day.
yeh im havin a great day cheers, except for having the same name as the 21st century jack the ripper!
anyway, mchebne did this mock up from bbc news :P

mips xx
#4766 toomuchstash
Posted 20 December 2006 - 7:19 PM
It almost would have been worth it, to vomit blood on her. I can't think of a stronger form of disapproval than 'You suck so bad that your voice makes me vomit blood'
Posted 20 December 2006 - 11:18 PM
Consumer Escribi�:
From an interview with Dot Allison:
Dot has a strong sense of responsibility as a representative of Scottish female artists and is proud that she has never compromised on what feels right to her.
"I've never posed in a bikini or played the game," she said. "I've stuck to my guns about stuff like that and it's felt like swimming against the current.
"There's been pressure to become glossy and glamorous but when I've been asked to pose in a bikini I've said, 'Just forget it.'
"Would you make one of The Chemical Brothers pose in Speedo trunks? I don't think so."
Hmmm. Strange, but confronting example she chose there. Alot of people would disagree... *cough* t_r_c_chi *cough* ;-) Someone give Tom and Ed some Speedo trunks at NYE. :cheeky: :-D
Full interview
I like Dot Allison. I don't keep tabs on her and I didn't know she was with Pete Doherty, and I don't have her solo albums. She is a very pretty lady and it's nice to read stuff like this because she seems very real and down to earth and not pretensious and stuck on herself at all. I really, really really love One Dove and her work with that project. I mentioned One Dove not too long ago in a thread here about forgotten albums. I finally did get around to finding myself another copy of that album (got it for $3 off a super bargain bin at Amoeba, woohoo!!). After revisiting this album after a long absence I cannot recommend it enough. If you like Sabres of Paradise and dig Andy Weatherall's superb production values, I think you'll dig this album.
Hmmm... Dot Allison as a guest vocalist with the Chems perhaps in the future would be nice to hear!!
As for Tom and Ed posing in speedos - no man should pose in those ball constricting contraptions. They are both unattractive and unhealthy!
#4773 toomuchstash
Posted 21 December 2006 - 9:17 PM
I'd expect this from the germans or japanese maybe, but spain?
Pooping peasant popular in Spain
Wed Dec 20, 8:33 PM ET
BARCELONA, Spain - The Virgin Mary. The three kings. A few wayward sheep. These are the figures one expects to find in a traditional Christmas nativity scene. Not a smartly dressed peasant squatting behind a rock with his rear-end exposed.
Yet statuettes of "El Caganer," or the great defecator in the Catalan language, can be found in nativity scenes, and increasingly on the mantelpieces of collectors, throughout Spain's northeastern Catalonia region, where for centuries symbols of defecation have played an important role in Christmas festivities.
During the holiday season, pastry shops around Catalonia sell sweets shaped like feces, and on Christmas Eve Catalan children beat a hollow log, called the tio, packed with holiday gifts, singing a song that urges it to defecate presents out the other end.
These traditions, in the case of the caganer dating back as far as the 17th century, come from an agricultural society where defecation was associated with fertility and health.
While the traditional caganer is a red-capped peasant, more modern renditions have gained popularity in recent years.
Posted 22 December 2006 - 3:13 AM
Posted 22 December 2006 - 3:15 AM
actually there's a guy in Toronto every year at Easter who nails himself at the hands to a cross and leads a parade on a major street!
#4776 toomuchstash
Posted 22 December 2006 - 5:30 AM

Can't help but think that's where Matt & Trey got the idea.
Phillipinos crucify themselves at easter too... makes me wonder tho', if people do it to themselves, I mean, comeon, how bad could it have been? I mean, was it really worthy of starting a religion over? I can think of a lot worse ways to die.
Jesus was a pussy.
Posted 22 December 2006 - 10:59 PM
I thought it was funny but he just smiled and walked away.
Ah well :p
#4779 toomuchstash
Posted 22 December 2006 - 11:56 PM
"It's Minnesota. We should have enormous drifts, requiring the Border Patrol to take to their skis to patrol the Boundary Waters wilderness and keep Canadian frostbacks from sliding down with their toboggans full of cheap pharmaceuticals. This is what we're here for, to keep the rapacious Canuck at bay despite heavy snows."
Posted 23 December 2006 - 1:58 AM
toomuch'stash Escribi�:
I have this long and enduring love of Garrison Keillor, and this today made me think of Darkstar:
"It's Minnesota. We should have enormous drifts, requiring the Border Patrol to take to their skis to patrol the Boundary Waters wilderness and keep Canadian frostbacks from sliding down with their toboggans full of cheap pharmaceuticals. This is what we're here for, to keep the rapacious Canuck at bay despite heavy snows."
I'd like to see them try. I'll be tobogganing across the border and finding me some Minnesotan women (with teeth, preferably... or maybe not) next week.
And I may be rapacious but I'm no rapist. (note to self: write hip-hop song with that rhyme)