General Bullshit Chat
Posted 11 April 2010 - 11:18 PM
I sold a beautiful Lyon & Healy harp a few years ago - although it was more out of want, than need. There was almost no sentimental value attached to it, which made it an easier sell. It's in good hands now. I hardly ever played it and am not sure I'd want to replace it, but it still is a bummer to think about.
Posted 12 April 2010 - 3:21 AM

Posted 12 April 2010 - 6:36 AM
I think ableton is so easy to use midi controllers with that it doesn't matter which you go with, I have an Oxygen 49 which is plenty for me. But since assigning controls is easy it's all about asking yourself if you want knobs, sliders, buttons, etc and how many of each
Posted 12 April 2010 - 2:59 PM
Biff, on 12 April 2010 - 07:36 AM, said:
I think ableton is so easy to use midi controllers with that it doesn't matter which you go with, I have an Oxygen 49 which is plenty for me. But since assigning controls is easy it's all about asking yourself if you want knobs, sliders, buttons, etc and how many of each
The thing is I don't want to have to assign anything. Not every keyboard/controller has pre-mapped controls in Ableton.
I might go for a Remote SL MK2 since i pretty much like the Nocturn.
I did a new demo, what do you think ?
Posted 13 April 2010 - 10:20 AM

I just finished watching The Deadly Spawn. Absolutely cheesy/bad horror movie released in 1983. But you know, there is something so disturbing about the usage of special effects before CGI was introduced... Puppets and stop motion filmmaking presented quite a bit of un-reality, as it were, but you were nonetheless able to perceive them as having a physical existence in the world.
I had this habit as a child--when my family and I used to go rent movies, I always used to wander off over to the horror section and look at the back of all of the horror movies and imagine what it would be like to watch them. The Deadly Spawn, for some reason, stuck out in my mind, and I'd always wanted to watch it. It took me a good bit of digging to actually figure out what movie it was that I was thinking of from decades ago, but after finally figuring it out and being able to download it on to my computer, I can die that much more peacefully.
The still on the back of the rental case was finally placed into the cinematic sequence of that terrible, terrible movie, and I no longer have to wonder. But ooh, man, it was kinda fun to see some peoples' faces get ripped off.
Posted 18 April 2010 - 8:48 PM
MadPooter, on 13 April 2010 - 03:20 AM, said:

I just finished watching The Deadly Spawn. Absolutely cheesy/bad horror movie released in 1983. But you know, there is something so disturbing about the usage of special effects before CGI was introduced... Puppets and stop motion filmmaking presented quite a bit of un-reality, as it were, but you were nonetheless able to perceive them as having a physical existence in the world.
I had this habit as a child--when my family and I used to go rent movies, I always used to wander off over to the horror section and look at the back of all of the horror movies and imagine what it would be like to watch them. The Deadly Spawn, for some reason, stuck out in my mind, and I'd always wanted to watch it. It took me a good bit of digging to actually figure out what movie it was that I was thinking of from decades ago, but after finally figuring it out and being able to download it on to my computer, I can die that much more peacefully.
The still on the back of the rental case was finally placed into the cinematic sequence of that terrible, terrible movie, and I no longer have to wonder. But ooh, man, it was kinda fun to see some peoples' faces get ripped off.
Its on a special DVD now, but I saw this when it was shown on Saturday afternoons on TV in the late 80's and early 90's, but I gotta see that again. I remember watching Food of the Gods, The Legend of Hell House, Salem's Lot, Blood on Satan's Claw, all classics..
Try these Poot: The Abominable Dr. Phibes, Hellraiser, From Beyond, Dead Alive.

Posted 19 April 2010 - 3:18 PM
before :
after :
http://benji.ng.free...nochorus_ok.mp3 (put the sound VERY high to hear the barely audible noise)
Posted 22 April 2010 - 7:21 PM
But I had a bomb dropped on me this morning.
My Father passed away this morning at my home.
You might see me a little over the next few days. I'll see you around.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 22 April 2010 - 7:36 PM
Rynostar, on 22 April 2010 - 08:21 PM, said:
But I had a bomb dropped on me this morning.
My Father passed away this morning at my home.
You might see me a little over the next few days. I'll see you around.
My deepest sympathies go out to you Rynostar, I know what it's like, never easy to lose a loved one, particularly a parent. May he rest in peace, though I can tell you, he'll always be by your side.