Flow Festival Opening Concert In Helsinki
Posted 08 August 2010 - 8:32 PM
Anyone else going? C'mon guys show some excitement!
Posted 10 August 2010 - 4:37 AM

Posted 10 August 2010 - 3:31 PM
whirlygirl, on 10 August 2010 - 07:37 AM, said:
I was at Olympia. Needless to say how memorable that was!
There's a nice story to this, actually. My wife, who isn't that into electronic music herself, knew how much I wanted to see the Chems. So she arranged a surprise trip: bought the tickets, booked the flights & hotel, talked to my boss... and then, day before, she told that we're leaving for London to see the Chems.
The only problem is that I still owe her big time. Not money, but the experience.

Posted 11 August 2010 - 2:53 AM
Snpp, on 11 August 2010 - 02:31 AM, said:
What an amazing surprise! Your wife is a treasure.
Posted 11 August 2010 - 10:34 AM

Whew! That was some experience... Let me adjust the spatial controls and attempt to return on the ground level.
For all the people who are concerned about the setlist having too much emphasis on Further, fear not. The ethereal Snow and WOTD aren't included and the rest is well mixed in between older hits and classics. They played for the full 90 minutes that was originally announced. If they ever did longer gigs my body couldn't take all the jumping without an intermission or proper stimulae.

My brother had never seen The Chems live though we've both loved their music from the beginning (or since we first heard some in the EPD era). He couldn't articulate much more than that it wasn't just a gig - it was an experience.
I'm very pleased I witnessed one of the Roundhouse shows as it was very different from tonight's gig. Further is an acid journey with a flowing pace. With the visuals and a huge screen it really took me to another world. Heartbeat was and still is the first thing that it reminds me of. Though the visuals were nice on an "ordinary" gig like tonight's, they weren't as hypnotic as they were at Roundhouse with Further played in full. So as an wholesome audiovisual experience tonight wasn't as impressive.
I wonder if my legs are going to carry me tomorrow. Big thanks to Tom & Ed for an amazing show! You're welcome back anytime.

Posted 12 August 2010 - 3:03 PM

Posted 12 August 2010 - 8:01 PM
Whirly, it's too hard to tell the best part. Saturate and Escape Velocity are still playing in my head, so if that might indicate something then they're probably it. Wait... I just remembered that Star Guitar was on as well. No, no favourite parts. My ears had one huge 90 minute long orgasm last night that caused such euphoria it's still messing up my brain.

One thing that I should recommend is to take off your earplugs during Another World. It makes the long ssscccreeeeeeechhhhh a lot more chilling.
How was it for you, SNPP? Was anyone else there?
#16 Champiness
Posted 12 August 2010 - 8:45 PM
And the end oft their set:
They're doing visuals for a bunch of different songs there (I made out Acid Children, Chemical Beats, TSU, and Leave Home) so I don't know how they finished off. I'd think that they'd have done something a little out of the ordinary with the set considering they (apparently) played longer than usual. Any encore past Block Rockin' Beats?
Posted 12 August 2010 - 8:56 PM

I really enjoyed the atmosphere, visuals and of course that f'ing awesome beat that made me fall in love with Chemical Brothers in the first place. They mixed up the songs very nicely to keep it interesting. My single favorite moment was the "subwoofer test" part you have in the beginning of Under the Influence, I think this was mixed with It doesn't matter and something else..? It was really really cool to experience live

And now, still some ringing in my ear (I had ear plugs but didn't want to wear them...

Posted 12 August 2010 - 9:07 PM
Posted 13 August 2010 - 1:30 AM
Here's a partial list of tracks played (excluding tracks from further, I'm only really familiar with swoon so far): Tomorrow Never Knows intro, Galvanize, Star Guitar (without Temptation I think .. not sure), Under the Influence, HBHG, Setting Sun, Out of Control, Saturate to a strange mash-up of saturate and vocals from believe to the full Believe, weird combo of opening beats of elektrobank and acid children clown vocal leading into Chemical Beats, ...
From the new tracks Another World, Swoon and K+D+B worked the best for me. I think K+D+B worked well especially since it was one of the few comparatively mellow phases of the gig (the other that comes to mind was the "chorus" in Star Guitar) ... otherwise the gig was very full-on raving.
For some critique Galvanize didn't really get people moving and somewhere along the middle of the gig the sound got pretty garbled for some reason. Otherwise, good stuff! I would have maybe liked to hear some more of the chems' more melodic side but the rave setup was very adequate. (The gig left me thinking about whether I would like to see them again live and I'm not really sure ... I think the live set is organized so that it tries to give a bit of a surprise but only to those who have not seen the live before ... well, anyhow, I could also alter the experience by getting a sturdy pair of earplugs and by joining the fray at the front ... this time I was mostly taking it easy at the back.)
The build-ups (the trademark of chems for me

As said by others here they didn't play any encore but this might be attributed to the venue that is located "in the city" and as such on a weekday night they might have had a strict requirement to stop making noise after 2300. (Well, they played five minutes over that

I think the match-up of LCD Soundsystem and the chems was a bit weird in that the former caters more to the indie-rock crowd and - I'm just speculating here - the party habits of these indie-rock-hipsters are a bit different that of fans' of chems.
And last but not least, I guess it's common on their gigs that Tom is pretty much stationed at his equipment and Ed is the one acting like a mute master of ceremony but here it seemed that Ed could have been considerably inebriated ... Tom grabbed him when entering the stage and quickly grabbed him again when they were leaving

Posted 13 August 2010 - 2:08 AM
soundertow, on 12 August 2010 - 08:30 PM, said:

I saw that on the video Champi posted. I sure hope he's doing alright - you've got plenty of gigs to do ahead of you Ed, try not to get too hammered!