@Whirly, ChemWeTrust, Pooter
Week late, but whatever. I'm busy as all hell, for some reason. And I keep forgetting that you awesome people are just a click away on my bookmarks bar in Safari.
Pooter, I'd be TOTALLY down to some hanging out. I adore San Fran but am now just old enough to appreciate it's party scene. And what a scene it is. So I've heard.
Chem, I can't wait my self. I really want to start making my own games. I'm a really story and visual elemented person, but I know enough powergamers that I really want to make the gameplay really awesome and unique, too.
Whirls, awesome, I have a benevolent watcher of my artistic career! =D
In other news, I went to my first big Super Smash Bros. Brawl tournament yesterday. I got my ass absolutely handed to me. But I had some good moments and got to see the best Ness player. Which was worth the whole trip and ass-whippings.