General Bullshit Chat
Posted 12 June 2006 - 12:58 PM
Here in belfast we've been getting amazing weather.. well amazing by our standards.. peak temperature around 25C
Which compared to everywhere else is a bit lame but its rockin' for us :P
Today is 20C with a slight breeze everyone has been out in the weather all week. Its class.
Which compared to everywhere else is a bit lame but its rockin' for us :P
Today is 20C with a slight breeze everyone has been out in the weather all week. Its class.
#3405 toomuchstash
Posted 13 June 2006 - 8:41 PM
Dude, I got this email from my boss this morning:
There's no way I could take whirly with me, and there's no way I could go without her.
Need to check in with each of you to see if any of you would have any interest and ability to travel to LON to assist with DL work? This is not an official help out request....no definite plans have been made. LON has just had an incredible amount of DL volume, and so we are wanting to see how many domestic DL setters we have that could be in a position to go over there for a bit to help, this summer.
You would need to already have a valid pass port, and the ability to go for 2 - 3 weeks at any point this summer.
So, if you can meet this criteria....and are interested, please let me know.
There's no way I could take whirly with me, and there's no way I could go without her.
#3407 toomuchstash
Posted 13 June 2006 - 11:37 PM
Yeah, it would be a blast, but one of the significant problems is that my company doesn't adjust your daily expense account based on cost of living. Basicly, you get the same cash if you travel to New York City or bumblefuck Nowhere land.... I couldn't imagine trying to live in London on 30 pounds a day.
Posted 13 June 2006 - 11:44 PM
:( Damn.
And the sucky thing is, there would be no guarantee that the Chems would be playing the same time stash is in London. With stash's company he works for, if he agreed to go to London they'd spring it on him at the last minute (like, hey, we need you to go catch your flight to London tomorrow at 4pm) which makes it nearly impossible to plan for anything especially with our son in the mix. His company does not believe in advance notice for anything, plus they're cheap ass when it comes to international expense accounts.
I told him he should go and represent, say hey to you guys living over there, but he won't.
And the sucky thing is, there would be no guarantee that the Chems would be playing the same time stash is in London. With stash's company he works for, if he agreed to go to London they'd spring it on him at the last minute (like, hey, we need you to go catch your flight to London tomorrow at 4pm) which makes it nearly impossible to plan for anything especially with our son in the mix. His company does not believe in advance notice for anything, plus they're cheap ass when it comes to international expense accounts.
I told him he should go and represent, say hey to you guys living over there, but he won't.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 14 June 2006 - 6:43 AM
Ben_j Escribi�:
It's 5:15 AM and I can't sleep...
I hate that! It's one thing if it's the weekend and you don't have anywhere to go that day/next day, and it's another thing entirely if you have commitments.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 14 June 2006 - 7:46 AM
I'm tired, but not really capable of sleeping. Work isn't too far away. I've had a couple beers (while watching Brazil - Croatia with friends) but I'm not drunk. Wish I was out clubbing. Ferry Corsten's DJing here as we speak, but I elected not to go, mostly due to lack of funds and 8 AM start to work tomorrow morn. I hate working while coming down. Listening to the new Boyelectric mix and digging it so far (consider me Fanboy #1, Dan).
Need a little spark or a lot of sleep. Peace.
Need a little spark or a lot of sleep. Peace.
Posted 14 June 2006 - 8:34 AM

R.I.P. Gy�rgy Ligeti :'(
the last great composer :-?
Posted 14 June 2006 - 5:08 PM
I've just discovered a really cool school, to become Sound engineer. There's also a formation to learn electronic music production, the thing is it's very expensive... There are schools like that all over the world : Paris, London, Auckland, and in almost every country around the world.
Posted 15 June 2006 - 3:30 AM
Just saw this article today and thought of chem'd up, hehe:
The feminist mistake
It's not the v-word that needs reclaiming, it's the c-word - the rudest one in the English language
Zoe Williams
Wednesday June 14, 2006
The Guardian
There's a problem here, isn't there, a problem which is not covered by the fact that she's American and we're not, that American feminism (now on its third wave - why haven't we got a third wave?) has different concerns, and some cool and unusual moves. It is fair to say that, wherever you are in the Englishspeaking world, the controversial word is not vagina, but cunt. More to the point, Ensler knows this, which is why the talking point of the Vagina Monologues was never its use of the word "vagina", but rather, the bit where it required of its audience that they all stood up and reclaimed the word "cunt". The reason nobody said vagina 10 years ago is the same nobody says it now, apart from doctors and, at a pinch, art critics who have already said pudenda twice in the one paragraph.
People who hate women, or find us disgusting or terrifying, do not use "vagina" casually, as an insult. People who think of themselves as post-feminists, who delight in the shock of an apparently unsisterly sound emitting from them conversationally, do not say "vagina". I got chatting to a guy the other day wearing a T-shirt that said "I heart vagina", which, I think, says it all. Not that the T-shirt was funny, particularly, but if "vagina" were in anything approaching common usage, it would have been actively unfunny. It was weird because it was unusual, and funny because it was weird. And for all her many good works, it's a disappointment that Ensler has wimped out here. Saying the word once doesn't have much impact if you thereafter eschew it in favour of something more "responsible".
A correlative would be if the gay rights movement had started out reclaiming "queer", and only claimed credit for reclaiming "homosexual". Because it's not explosively insulting, because it's formal and a bit technical, because you can imagine it appearing on a legal document and not bawled across a bar in provocation, "homosexual" would have been a polite sort of coup. The mistake feminists make, when they object to the c-word but never approach it, and never use it, is to think that it will slip discreetly out of the language. Of course it won't! It's the rudest word we've got, in the entire language. It's like thinking the secret of nuclear fission is just going to disappear. (This was a point not lost on Inga Muscio, who made a splash with her book Cunt: A Declaration of Independence.)
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 15 June 2006 - 6:21 AM
Ben_j Escribi�:
I've just discovered a really cool school, to become Sound engineer. There's also a formation to learn electronic music production, the thing is it's very expensive... There are schools like that all over the world : Paris, London, Auckland, and in almost every country around the world.
The headquarters are just up the road from me at Byron Bay. I have considered on numerous occasions to do the full SE course there, but as you found out the money involved is mad. The facilities at the HQ are breathtaking though!