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Posted 07 February 2005 - 1:10 AM
Not sure if this is what you are looking for but:
Life is sweet - Daft punk remix (on Life is sweet single disc 1)
Chemical beats - Dave Clarke remix (on Loops of fury single)
Block rockin' beats - The Micronauts remix & Bonus beats (on BRB single disc 2)
Elektrobank - The Dust brothers remix on Elektrobank single disc 2.
Out of control - Sasha remix on OOC cd single, but club mix is on the 12" and instrumental you'll need the rare US promo 12".
Music:response - Gentleman thief mix, Futureshock 'main response' on music:response cd single.
Star guitar - Pete Heller's expanded mix and 303 dub are on the CD single and DVD respectively or just buy the US Single. Trisco's awesome LA Funk dub can be found on American EP.
Come with us - Fatboy slim remix is on the CD single, there is also the H-foundation remix on the 12" or the American EP.
The Golden path - Ewan Pearson extended mix on the CD single, Ewan's Rave hell dub on the DVD or both together on the Japan release.
Get yourself high - Felix da housecat remix and one Switches remix on the EP CD, the other Switches mix on the 12" promo or Japanese CD.
Galvanize - Abe Duque mixes and Switches remix are on the 12" promo.
Check the discography section on the site, there may be a couple I've forgotten .
Life is sweet - Daft punk remix (on Life is sweet single disc 1)
Chemical beats - Dave Clarke remix (on Loops of fury single)
Block rockin' beats - The Micronauts remix & Bonus beats (on BRB single disc 2)
Elektrobank - The Dust brothers remix on Elektrobank single disc 2.
Out of control - Sasha remix on OOC cd single, but club mix is on the 12" and instrumental you'll need the rare US promo 12".
Music:response - Gentleman thief mix, Futureshock 'main response' on music:response cd single.
Star guitar - Pete Heller's expanded mix and 303 dub are on the CD single and DVD respectively or just buy the US Single. Trisco's awesome LA Funk dub can be found on American EP.
Come with us - Fatboy slim remix is on the CD single, there is also the H-foundation remix on the 12" or the American EP.
The Golden path - Ewan Pearson extended mix on the CD single, Ewan's Rave hell dub on the DVD or both together on the Japan release.
Get yourself high - Felix da housecat remix and one Switches remix on the EP CD, the other Switches mix on the 12" promo or Japanese CD.
Galvanize - Abe Duque mixes and Switches remix are on the 12" promo.
Check the discography section on the site, there may be a couple I've forgotten .
Posted 07 February 2005 - 2:53 AM
mc marsh Escribi�:
Some people on the board have it, apparently its not that good. They will tell you better than me though ;-).
You are soooooooooooooooooooo right about that!! But it's not just "not good". It's downright terrible, unbelievably bad. It'll make you want to drive icepicks through your ears. Sometimes you just have to wonder, why bother?
One positive thing about the tribute cd is that it's good for a laugh, especially their rendition of Hey Boy Hey Girl. I am glad I got this as a promo, because if I had wasted my hard earned slave wage dollars on it, I'd have jumped out a window.
If you see this tribute in stores, BACK AWAY SLOWLY. Don't touch it, don't even point at it. It burns us my preciousssssss! Do not, I repeat DO NOT waste your money on this!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
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