It is necessary, absolutely necessary, I should add, that the chemical brothers come to Canada. We're funny. We like to have fun. We love to be stupid. What a better place to have a show. Especially since there were CD release parties for Push the Button in smaller places like BUrlington. I say go all out. TORONTO is a definite. Montreal would be cool. Vancouver. Calgary... Ok that's pushing it...maybe even pushing the button (haha...yes I'm a loser). But TORONTO would be great. I would definitely go to Buffalo or Detroit. GO CANADA GO! Please come to our aid. We need some entertainment. Since the NHL season is off we have had to resort to eating even more whale blubber and travelling days from our igloos for sex. PLUS! K-OS is from Canada....Isn't he on your new album?..maybe I got that quiz wrong...horribly wrong.
Come to Canada or else you'll make the baby Jesus, baby Moses, baby Allah, baby Buddha, baby Krishna, baby Satan and all the other gods that are supposedly in existence, cry..... (and that wouldn't be good }:-@ )
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