General Bullshit Chat
Posted 15 March 2006 - 4:53 AM
toomuch'stash Escribi�:
mmm, ass cream...
did it have witch hazel in it?
Active ingredients are bismuth subcarbonate and balsam of Peru, in a lanolin/petrolatum ointment. Balsam of Peru smells like ballsack of Peru and has the consistency of a chewing tobacco spit/molasses blend.
Posted 15 March 2006 - 3:17 PM
Yeah, American Dad fitting the mold too closely to Family Guy was the main beef the critics and Family Guy fans had. I think the show's been canned on on it's way to the can, but I could be wrong. I still thought it had it's hilarious moments. I could watch Roger boozing it up all day.
Family Guy on the other hand - I think that show picked up where the Simpsons left off years ago.
And in otehr cartoon news. Any of you South Park fans aware that Isaac Hayes has quit because although it was cool of him to cash in on making equal fun of Christians, Jews, Blacks, Disabled etc etc apparently South Park crossed the line with the Scientology episode.
Family Guy on the other hand - I think that show picked up where the Simpsons left off years ago.
And in otehr cartoon news. Any of you South Park fans aware that Isaac Hayes has quit because although it was cool of him to cash in on making equal fun of Christians, Jews, Blacks, Disabled etc etc apparently South Park crossed the line with the Scientology episode.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
#2873 toomuchstash
Posted 15 March 2006 - 5:26 PM
Posted 15 March 2006 - 8:51 PM
when i was in manchester i remember watching the first series of family guy the firts tim eit was shown on sky one - stoned off our boxes, we laughed soooo hard, it was a revelation!
we got it on dvd as soon as it came out, and it became a staple of the post-night-out-stick-something-ridiculous-on-the-telly rotation. utter genius.
i didnt like amercian dad at first, thought it was a complete rip, but after watching a few episodes its def got enough subtle differences to stand up in its own right.
the fact that the animation is so simillar def means its harder to differentiate the 2!!
we got it on dvd as soon as it came out, and it became a staple of the post-night-out-stick-something-ridiculous-on-the-telly rotation. utter genius.
i didnt like amercian dad at first, thought it was a complete rip, but after watching a few episodes its def got enough subtle differences to stand up in its own right.
the fact that the animation is so simillar def means its harder to differentiate the 2!!
Posted 16 March 2006 - 2:51 AM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
And in otehr cartoon news. Any of you South Park fans aware that Isaac Hayes has quit because although it was cool of him to cash in on making equal fun of Christians, Jews, Blacks, Disabled etc etc apparently South Park crossed the line with the Scientology episode.
yeah i heard that... i could care less about "chef" to tell you the truth, Trey and Matt got what they needed out of Isaac. But, now im excited as to what they will do now with the death of "chef". It should be pretty funny and pretty harsh, but if Isaac is leaving because of Trey and Matt now poking fun at what "he believes in", then he diserves it.
i looked up some of the other famous people that believe in scientology, and i was very very sad to find one of my favorite musical artists on there........Beck :'(
#2878 toomuchstash
Posted 16 March 2006 - 2:58 AM
Bosco Escribi�:
But, now im excited as to what they will do now with the death of "chef". It should be pretty funny and pretty harsh, but if Isaac is leaving because of Trey and Matt now poking fun at what "he believes in", then he diserves it.
Dude, whirly and I were just talking about that yesterday... the BEST thing to do with him would be to have him join a cult, then have a mass suicide/jonestown massacre thing.
Posted 16 March 2006 - 7:58 AM
OK anyone watch the commonwealth opening ceremony. My god I have never been so dissapointed in my own city....like ever!
A big flying ugly tram! I mean fucken come on trams are the most annoying things in the city....they take twice as long to get you anywhere and their wheels make the most god awfully horrible shrieking sound you have ever encountered when they go around corners but we are so dependant on them to make it around the city. And damn Delta Goodrem...of course who fucken else would they ask to write and sing a song speically for the games....yes thats right a damn ex neighbours star (oh but this one can actually sing) wheres Kylie or Nat ey??? they should all have got up togther and sang the neighbours theme song instead. Whooo
Errr the city sucks to get to at the moment....the games have there own "speical lane" on the main road where you can only travel on if your turning off it so traffic is twice as long.
I now have a headache from thinking about tomorrows breakfast at my hotel. Its going to be full on :(
Can't wait for the weekend...one of the good things about the games is a lot of free concerts are going down.
A big flying ugly tram! I mean fucken come on trams are the most annoying things in the city....they take twice as long to get you anywhere and their wheels make the most god awfully horrible shrieking sound you have ever encountered when they go around corners but we are so dependant on them to make it around the city. And damn Delta Goodrem...of course who fucken else would they ask to write and sing a song speically for the games....yes thats right a damn ex neighbours star (oh but this one can actually sing) wheres Kylie or Nat ey??? they should all have got up togther and sang the neighbours theme song instead. Whooo
Errr the city sucks to get to at the moment....the games have there own "speical lane" on the main road where you can only travel on if your turning off it so traffic is twice as long.
I now have a headache from thinking about tomorrows breakfast at my hotel. Its going to be full on :(
Can't wait for the weekend...one of the good things about the games is a lot of free concerts are going down.
its a little early but thanks anyway