so whats in a name
Posted 07 March 2004 - 3:58 PM
hehe yeah - I often enjoy the post club jibbering as much as the night itself.....you can't beat an all back to mine with good mates!!!...
PBA is me and mippio's production and DJing name...
we both come from a small village between winchester and basingstoke where there was feck all to do so most of our group got into muisc, djing and eventually production. The rest of little crew have moved to bristol to start a breaks night and me and mips have come come down to Brighton to study sound engineering and focus on getting our prouction sorted...
There should be a website up in the next month or so but at the end of day we're both VERY slack.....
we should come and check your night sneaker, when we're back home (in mighty whitchurch) we're not that far from you....
M'Chebne :)
PBA is me and mippio's production and DJing name...
we both come from a small village between winchester and basingstoke where there was feck all to do so most of our group got into muisc, djing and eventually production. The rest of little crew have moved to bristol to start a breaks night and me and mips have come come down to Brighton to study sound engineering and focus on getting our prouction sorted...
There should be a website up in the next month or so but at the end of day we're both VERY slack.....
we should come and check your night sneaker, when we're back home (in mighty whitchurch) we're not that far from you....
M'Chebne :)
Posted 11 March 2004 - 1:17 PM
huh? I said I miss school, I do, it was a laugh. Not to say i'm not having a laugh now, but you can't recreate the days of lobbing paper at your mates. I tried to recreate the experiance on my degree course at uni but the other boring bastards said; stop being so immature. People like that make me sick!
(it's snowing now, crap)
(it's snowing now, crap)