greetings! the one and only tranceduran has a very important message for all. after reading forum after forum, i came to the conclusion that each and every chemhead show their own passion and obsessions for the chemical brothers! whether you collect their music, see their concerts, or going through tom's trash, everybody shows their love for the chems in their unique way! for example, whirl and stash (congrats) are in the chems top 28 friends on myspace, or maybe you met the bros backstage at a concert, or maybe you got your picture with them, or you got an autograph from them, or maybe you got arrested by stalking them by saying you were related to one of them!
so whether you got a tattoo of a dancing salmon, or picking up your first chemical brothers album,the chems will always show their love not more or less than the other.i personally,of course love the chems music, but i listen to all types of music (nirvana, johnny cash, al green, kayne west,) but, i listen to the chems the most! does that make me the biggest fan in the world, no! does it make me the worst fan,no! can you really judge a person on how much they love this group or this singer!
i played 'star guitar' right in front of my 2 yr old niece (she's still a baby) , she started marching her feet up and down.
yep . . .she's a fan alright!