I have booked tickets to see the Chemical Brothers in Glasgow, but the gig is not listed on the website?? Anyone know why?

Chem.Bros in Glasgow?
Posted 25 July 2007 - 9:04 AM
Unfortunately its in the SECC which is the worst music venue I've ever been in. I think the last time I saw the Chems play the SECC in 2005 it was probably the most soulless gig i ever saw them do. I know it's larger capacity means more people can see them play but I wish they would play the Academy, which has a great sound system or better still the Barrows which has amazing atmosphere. They should take a leaf out of Groove Armada's book who have apparently said they are only going to try and book the Barrows from now on when playing Glasgow.
#4 graysquire1969
Posted 25 July 2007 - 10:07 AM
I'm in full agreement, but needs must... Seen them in relatively small venues so far - Wolverhampton, Edinburgh Corn Exchange and Camden Roundhouse - and would have preferred the likes of Barras (although the visuals won't fit in there) or Academy (where it would). Will wait and see, and try to be open minded until then.
#7 whirly
Posted 10 October 2007 - 1:25 AM
I don't know about Ticketmaster UK, but here in the States, Ticketmaster is the primary ticket vendor. They have been in business here for years and years and have the service down to a science. The issues I have with them are the service fees since they tend to charge an arm and a leg, but otherwise - hopefully the Ticketmaster over there won't subject you to the same types of horrors that Seetickets caused for some Chems fans here a while back when they failed to send out tickets.
Posted 10 October 2007 - 8:51 AM
TheThinker - Ticketmaster will be legit and the concert is defo a goer, I've seen tons of adverts for it. I'm refusing to go though - the SECC is the most horrible soulless cattle shed venue ever. I don't care that its huge and they can cram more people in. If Groove Armada can downsize their show just so they can play the Barrowlands (arguably the best venue in the UK) then so can the Chems. They could have done as GA are doing in November and played over multiple nights.
#9 TheThinker
Posted 10 October 2007 - 7:11 PM
I got my tix from the SECC booking office.
At least I know they are coming from source ;-)
I know what you mean Toby but its the only Gig in Scotland so I'm going ;-)
Posted 10 October 2007 - 9:25 PM
Alright peeps got my tickets throught the mail a while ago from ticketmaster they are sound. I know what you mean about SECC, seen the Chems at Barrowlands in 1996 was only 17 at the time its a totally different gig/show they do now with the visuals and that. Cant see them ever playing there again but still remember it being quality
Posted 10 October 2007 - 10:20 PM
The Chems could easily fit their stage show into the Barrows - The Barrows stage is relatively small but the Chems played at Rockness this year and that main stage was tiny. Groove Armada's stage set up is easily as big if not bigger than the Chems (though not as impressive) and they've managed to fit it in the Barrows already this year and are doing so again next month.
Its more to do with paying punters and the fact they will make loads more cash fitting five or six thousand into the SECC. I don't begrudge them making that decision after all its good that loads more people will get the chance to see them live. Its just such a pity that as bands get bigger and bigger their only option is to play huge cattle sheds instead of fantastic high energy venues like the Barrows.
I know its the only Scottish date an all but I've seen the Chems twice this year and enough times generally to start to become picky where I see them. It makes such a huge difference if the venues good.