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Live @ Mtv2 New Years Eve [2001]

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#1 i__i   User is offline

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 12:25 AM

Has anyone heard of this ? it's fantastic show. it lasts like 116 mins. but in the exact 86. min is it really say "BIGGER THAN GOD" ???????

#2 androidgeoff   User is offline

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 1:29 AM

The more question marks you add, the more answers you'll get!

#3 i__i   User is offline

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 2:01 AM

bi tarafına girsin onlar. hepsi böyle sırayla hem de.

#4 whirly

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 2:22 AM

i__i, please translate that. You know how crappy those online Turkish to English translators are! ;)

Anyway, I have heard of this set... I remember when it was going to be aired on MTV2, and I was upset that I missed it because my cable provider didn't offer MTV2. To the best of my knowledge it was the music and some visuals, there was no gig footage. Never did get a chance to listen to the set, though.

#5 androidgeoff   User is offline

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 3:54 AM

"bi tarafına girsin onlar. hepsi böyle sırayla hem de."

I love you more

Oh and I'll just speak in some other language you don't know because I can do that too...


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"What's the deal with i___i? I mean, is he a face or a retarded username?"

#6 chemical8fra

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 9:35 AM

Yes I heard it. I heard "Too bigger than God" too..but..what is bigger than God?

#7 apostle   User is offline

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 3:07 PM

It is basically "In Glint" extended.

#8 i__i   User is offline

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 5:28 PM

"Yes I heard it. I heard "Too bigger than God" too..but..what is bigger than God?"

so it actually says "bigger than God" . it's really disturbing i think. in fact that's the only part of any music that Chems did or combined that i don't like.

"It is basically 'In Glint' extended."

so do you know what is the track's original name ?

#9 chemical8fra

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 5:55 PM

"so it actually says "bigger than God" . it's really disturbing i think. in fact that's the only part of any music that Chems did or combined that i don't like."

mmm..Don't you like it because it means something wrong or don't you like it because you don't like sound?

#10 MadPooter   User is offline

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 6:21 PM

The "bigger than God" lyric is from their remix of Leftfield's "Open Up."

Lose myself inside your schemes

Go for the money, honey

Not the screen

Be a movie star, blah blah blah

Go the whole hog

Be bigger than God

I actually really dig their remix of that track, not such a huge fan of the original. A bit too whiny.

So there's your answer Rita. And if you're looking for confirmation of the idea that everyone believes in your apparently limited definition of what God is, you're with the wrong crowd. We're really open here, none of us mind religion, but there are definitely those of us who dislike it. I'm ambivalent toward it in general, and while I believe that it's very noble in its causes sometimes, human beings are incapable of following a set of ideals in groups to the point of creating a loving, working society for everyone in which they can thrive and be happy.


#11 i__i   User is offline

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Posted 05 September 2007 - 6:51 PM

thanks madpooter that explains evertything.

"And if you're looking for confirmation of the idea that everyone believes in your apparently limited definition of what God is" . i've never made a definition of God so i can't be looking for confirmation.and i'm not.

anyway "human beings are incapable of following a set of ideals in groups to the point of creating a loving, working society for everyone in which they can thrive and be happy." i totally agree with this. it IS impossible. and i must say it would be very boring ahahaha :=DDDD .

and chemical8fra : i thought totally different at first but now i see the lyrics and i'm o.k. with that song. in fact i'm more than ok i started to like it. so now there is no piece of music that i don't enjoy which Chems did or combined . :=)))

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