...we need new stuff!!!!!! when do you guys drop something new?!

#6 inchemwetrust
Posted 01 July 2009 - 7:15 AM
What are the Chems doing anyway! Geez!
Must they always barricade themselves in that studio. Throw us a freakin' bone here!
Just kiddiing...but seriously, I miss T and E. How's the progress so far with Chemical 7? Any ideas on how you would like to describe it so far.
Good one Pum!
Posted 02 July 2009 - 5:35 PM
@inchemwetrust: Yeah, I too miss how Ed would pop his virtual head in every now and again. MILOCO2FORUM WHERE ARE YOU!?!? Your adoring fans would love a hello. :D
But the new homepage is a GREAT sign, and man, the fact that we've heard new material in their DJ sets coupled with the fact that they're in the studio means that regardless of how frustrating it is, we just need to be patient.
@brother_ging: Surrender is a -great- f*cking album, isn't it? When my son was up here visiting he kept asking me to "put on the Chemical Brothers." He was referring to The Sunshine Underground, which is, of course, off of Surrender. ;-)
#12 whirly
Posted 02 July 2009 - 8:07 PM
Aww, Pooter that is so freakin' adorable how your son loves the Sunshine Underground!
I took the most amazing walk today. I've been walking the same route for a while now, and I usually walk later in the day to clear my mind of the days' drama and get some exercise - but today that same path I usually walk seemed more extraordinary than it had before. My solitary walks aren't strolls but rather they are more a quick pace to break a sweat. Lizards were darting in front of my feet and I lost count of how many I saw at 25 and thought better to focus on my breathing instead. I had just gotten through walking half a mile up this fairly steep incline, the sweat was dripping down my back, the sun was on my face and when I reached the peak the song my iPod happened to shuffle at that moment was Surrender. I kept walking along my path and the mountains in the distance and the valley below were laid out before me as this song fluttered in my ears playing out as a sort of soundtrack. It was such a simple yet incredible moment that was mine alone.
I won't get into the personal aspects of everything I was feeling during that flicker in time, but I couldn't stop thinking since that moment just how great life is when I listen to music I love and how great it is when it's shared (even if the experience is shared virtually). I love how their music can be listened to with a few thousand of your newest dancing partners at a festival, and I love how much can be gotten from listening to the music alone. I love how a song can bring joy into a child's life, how their coming to do a DJ set or live gig can drag people (even old farts like myself) out of their ruts for a fun night out... and how an album of theirs from 10 years ago can mean it's summertime, and how little hints of what's to come can generate excitement. I guess I'm just grateful to have such a lovely thing in my life, and that I am fortunate enough to ramble on my favorite band's message board like a dorky fangirl and freely talk about how fucking awesome I think their music is.
And you guys are awesome too, because you love the Chems and you put up with my rabid dorky fangirl ways. :P
#14 Profunk
Posted 02 July 2009 - 10:35 PM
I love Surrender too!
Both the song and album. It still is my favorite ablum tied with DYOH, and possibly WATN.
The song Surrender just has this great hippy "Peace and love in the Summer, maaan!" vibe to it.
What if Chemical 7 was entirely fresh, but was also like half Surrender, half DYOH? :D Peace, love, and dancing my ass off to one of the only things that can make me lose control over my desires. WOOOO!