*hugs from australia*
ive had very up n down moments lately...but time spent on the forum fixes that up :)

General Bullshit Chat
#6822 whirly
Posted 27 May 2009 - 5:55 PM
Thanks, guys. You are my extended family.
You are right Jittem, about time spent on the forum. There's a lot of my life over the years on here, a lot of my husband's life as well and real friendships have been made. I know it's just a forum on the internet, it's a virtual world and not all things that are posted are earth shattering revelations... and maybe I am giving this place too much credit but I can't help but be grateful for how therapeutic the music and forums have been to me as of late. I've been lurking a lot in the wee hours since I've got a lot of alone time to spare.
Anyway, I'm about ready to crawl back into my Hole Of Responsibility but of course I will be back (likely in lurker form unless I get a wild hair up my butt and decide to post) heh.
#6823 inchemwetrust
Posted 27 May 2009 - 6:37 PM
God Whirls! Your last post before the one above sounded creepy but I could see it as future dialogue for a suspenseful movie script, such as:
'unfortunately I cannot publicly disclose what is happening. I don't want sympathy, but I just wanted to let y'all know I love you guys'
Did you kill somebody? :)
Being lost on the other hand is a bitch, and i'm no Traveling Matt, but take it from someone who's asked complete strangers for directions,coinage, and even food for trying in the most desperate way to get home in one piece.
Glad your back Ms. Whirls
#6828 inchemwetrust
Posted 28 May 2009 - 7:06 AM
For some reason Pooter, those Doozers scare me!
they look like Smurfs with mold.
Posted 29 May 2009 - 7:23 PM
I got to get some stuff out there
So I have had this song in my record box for years now by Dave Armstrong called Make your move. I never knew the original sample but it has been a big track for me for years (nuts to that crap Junior Jack stupidisco Mix). As shown by this vid of me at Fuji rock last year
Then last weekend at work with the Symphony the Pointer Sisters were playing. I was sitting there and they start playing this track called Dare Me. I sitting through and they get to the chorus. I realize the song and jump out of my chair and start raving out.
It was kinda funny to find out that connection that I had been listening to that song for years in one form. Outside of that the performances (2) were awesome to work. By the end of the last performance our whole admin staff was going crazy in the back row including our president. Not expected from a symphony crowd.
Outside of that I am securing all the artists and equipment for a festival I am help put on in my town for next sunday (the 7th) and that is a little bit of stress going on...in a good way.
On top of that I have been extremely distracted by one of the French Horn players in our symphony....yes I have a huge crush on her. I should ask her out before I leave. Keep on Focus RYNOI!!
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 02 June 2009 - 12:29 AM
OHHHHHH! ::rimshot::
inchemwetrust gets off a good one.
As for me, I used my best judgment and got drunk on a Sunday night before I knew a busy Monday morning was coming. It's been painful, but oddly I've been a complete success today. ::shoots, scores::
On a related note to the last couple of posts--why are there so many ABSOLUTELY stunning girls out there?!!? Makes me a bit nutty. ;-)
Posted 02 June 2009 - 2:39 AM
@ poots, you and me alike. In my world the last few months have just been building. It seems like every few weeks the amount of attractive women in my life go up in level.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#6836 inchemwetrust
Posted 02 June 2009 - 8:44 AM
Good one Poot!
Quite the opposite over here. Nothing but 'thick in the behind' women who have tirelessly tried to fit into clothes that they already know don't fit them when they bought it.
Ship some of those Canadian dime pieces over here Ryno!
#6840 Jittem
Posted 04 June 2009 - 10:25 AM
Australia :)
yea Ariza is a pretty good all round player...However he is going to be matching up against Turkoglu, which will make things interesting.
My friends and i are meeting up after college with a few beers and watching it on ESPN HD...wooot
Usually i have a team that i barrack for. This time im torn. One one level i would like to see kobe win a championship without Shaq. But on another level i just wanna see Dwight Howard own face...sigh