Best of 2005
Posted 22 November 2005 - 10:35 PM
mine are in order:
1. Gorillaz- Demon Days (this album is litteraly standing face to face with my favortie album of all time "come with us")
2. The Chemical Brothers- Push the Button ( i dont even need to say anything about this record)
3. Fatliip- The Loneliest Punk ( Finally releases his solo debut, and yes this is the guy from the spike jonze DVD)
Most dissapointing:
Beck-Guero ( first i had to swallow "sea change", which was a huge change of pace from beck, and then when i got "Guero" i puked it out right away....so dissapointing, however thumbs up for beck reuniting with The Dust Brothers, im gonna cross my fingers that he'll be back with em again and make a better attempt for a record.)
Posted 22 November 2005 - 11:26 PM
Kasabian - Kasabian (hey, it came out in the US this year)
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Howl
Gorillaz - Demon Days
Kraftwerk - Minimum Maximum
I know there's some more, but those are the ones that come to mind atm.
Posted 22 November 2005 - 11:42 PM
Chems - Push The Button
Plump DJs - Saturday Night Lotion
3rd one is a bit hard, it's only really those that have blown me away this year. 3rd place will be a tie between Freestylers - Raw As F***, and Oasis - Don't Believe The Truth. Bloc Party - Silent Alarm has to get a mention as a decent debut album, although I find it a bit hard to listen to the whole thing in one sitting.
I don't really have a disappointing album of the year (that I've bought, anyway)
Posted 23 November 2005 - 3:27 AM
1. The Chemical Brothers - Push The Button. (Pushes the envelope in every direction I wasn't expecting and I love the result.)
2. The Mars Volta - Frances The Mute. (Bueno! Modern day symphony of sounds and lyrics and motions and moods.)
3. Wolfmother - Wolfmother. (Everything old is new again... with the freshest of lemon twists.)
Most Dissapointing Release:
New Order - Waiting For The Sirens' Call. (It eventually grew on me, but it still feels like they didn't try very hard.)
Best New Artist:
Pivot. (Oh yes. They made excellent use of their time machine. A+.)
Posted 23 November 2005 - 1:35 PM
1. The Chemicals Brothers- Push the button... Enough said
2. Gorillaz- Demon Days- As with push the button it has a track for every mood.
3. Beck- Guero- I don't care what you say Bosco I loved it...especially 'broken drum'
4. Bloc Party- Slient Alarm- Great Brit pop!
5. Plump DJs- Saturday night lotion- Go the Acid Hustle!
6. Wolfmother- wolfmother- bring back the black sabbath years!!
7. MIA- Arular- Love the jungle bass
Posted 23 November 2005 - 5:14 PM
Gotta love this 70's inspired psychedelica mixed with modern day electronica! Also features more uptempo tracks and less sitar.
2. The Orb - Okie Dokie It's The Orb On Kompakt
Fantastic minimal techno album from the masters of ambient. Very different from their earlier stuff but oh so addictive!
3. Mirror System - Mirror System
System 7's ambient/down-tempo project. Lovable fluffy soundscapes with a touch of smooth rolling guitars courtesy by Steve Hillage. Awesome chillout stuff.
1. The Chemical Brothers - Push The Button
This review pretty much sums it all up for me, although I don't agree with the conclusion of the reviewer.
Posted 23 November 2005 - 8:13 PM
Jeanie Escribi�:
Can i also put albums i DISCOVERED this year ? Cause i dunno if they are from 2005.
you cant think of 3 good albums from 2005?.....lets just stick with albums that were released in 2005 or else this thread will get off track.
kwiddle Escribi�:
3. Beck- Guero- I don't care what you say Bosco I loved it...especially 'broken drum'
i just miss his old crazy self..... he seems to limit him self on Guero, unlike on his previous albums "midnite volutures" and "odelay" or even "mellow gold"......all of those albums are funky as hell, he drops the funk a bit on this ablum and picks up the guitar, which im not a fan of. He is married now and thats probably is why we're getting a tamer Beck. :?
another album that nobody mentioned:
Bright Eyes- Im Wide Awake Its Morning
this album holds the best song of the year in my opinion "Road to Joy"
Posted 24 November 2005 - 12:18 AM
2) Nouvelle Vague - from worthing to ibiza, whenever i listen to this my heart goes warm
3) beck - guero - yeh, i thoiught this album was amazing, accessible and deep at the same time, and drenched in psychedelic soul
this list will prb change tomorrow :P
Posted 24 November 2005 - 1:13 AM
Bosco Escribi�:
kwiddle Escribi�:
3. Beck- Guero- I don't care what you say Bosco I loved it...especially 'broken drum'
i just miss his old crazy self..... he seems to limit him self on Guero, unlike on his previous albums "midnite volutures" and "odelay" or even "mellow gold"......all of those albums are funky as hell, he drops the funk a bit on this ablum and picks up the guitar, which im not a fan of. He is married now and thats probably is why we're getting a tamer Beck. :?
I'm in the "I like Guero" camp. Personally I think it's the most enjoyable for me since Odelay, which remains my favorite Beck album. It is more mellow and it has its moody points, but it's got a pretty good groove to a lot of songs. It's good lazy day music.
haha about being more tame since he's a daddy now. I know when you have kids life it's hectic, so perhaps he's chosen a more musically mellow route to deal with the stress!
Posted 24 November 2005 - 1:22 AM
The Magic Numbers - Magic Numbers
Dandy Warhols - Odditorium or Warlords of Mars
M.I.A - Arular
Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
DJ Cheb I Sabbah - La Kahena (wish I'd snagged this before I left Tower, will put it on the holiday wish list)
Album I really liked at first but didn't cut the long-term-playability mustard:
LCD Soundsystem
Posted 24 November 2005 - 3:48 PM
Chemical Brothers - Push the Button. What can I say? Awesome from start to finish, my liking for the album obviously helped by the live shows. My favourite album of the year.
Gorillaz - Demon days. Very very infectious, 'Dare' one of my fave singles of year. Like what Kwiddle said, a song to fit every mood.
Royksopp - The Understanding. Released back in July but still need to listen to this more to make more sense of the album...but nice lp - typical Royksopp sound with harder beats.
Kraftwerk - Minimum Maximum. Brilliant live album, great sound, what can I say...its Kraftwerk!!
Mylo - Destroy rock and roll - should have bought this earlier in year, but a nice feel good album, simple stuff. Restored some of my faith in House music.
Most disappointing album:
Daft Punk - Human after all. Difficult to overstate how disappointing this album is for me. An album seemingly lacking in inspiration and thought, as Sneaker said about a year ago 3 months to make an album isn't a good sign.
Overall its been a fantastic year musically, can't see next year been as good but would love to be convinced otherwise!! :)
Posted 24 November 2005 - 5:03 PM
Need i say more ?! A great album for me. Not only cause i'm a fan - but also for more personal/emotional reasons.
Coldplay - X& Y
Altough many of us on the board really don't like Coldplay - i gotta say i am in love with them. A rush of blood to the head will always be their best one , but i was pleasently suprised by this album.
Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
Altough this cd already excisted in 2004 , i will still put it here. 2005 is the year they made it big , and the year i discovered them. Gotta say this cd ,togheter with PTB , are my favorite cd's of the year !!
The Prodigy - Their Law
Offcourse i already knew the songs on Disc 1 , but disc 2 does it for me. The pendulum remix of voodoo people is one of my favorite songs of this year and i LOVE the live recordings on it.
Jack Johnson - In between dreams
My ultimate summer cd. In my old/own house i used to play this every morning with the windows and doors wide open. Everytime i listen to it i get flashbacks of my old house!!
The Magic Numbers
What can i say ?! The mama's and the papa's in a modern jacket. I love their no stress/ hippy feeling in their music - i love their looks.
And some albums that i dont know if they are from 2005- and some of them are from ages ago - but albums that definatly need to be mentioned as i discovered them this year , and as they meant something to me this year :
Sia - Color the Small one
Amon Tobin - Supermodified
Lemon Jelly - Lost Horizons
Nouvelle Vague
The Killers - Hot Fuss
Tresspasers William - Different Stars & Anchor
Ullrich Schnaus - A Strangely Isolated Place