Damn! I never though about that before! I might just fire up the oven and go crate digging after all!

General Bullshit Chat
#6142 whirly
Posted 15 June 2008 - 8:26 AM
inchemwetrust, we're not up in LA all that often - maybe every couple of months if that... but if you ever find youself trapped behind the Orange Curtain let me or makeskidskill (aka stash) know and we can meet up for drinks or something!
That article you posted a link to was great (this link: http://www.netmag.co...albrothers-com) It kind of brings that community thing back into perspective.
It pretty much brought me out of my "taking a leave of absence" bullshit in the other thread. Well, that and stash saying "oh come on, don't be ridiculous." I'm such a fucking loose canon drama queen sometimes and wasn't having the greatest past month. I admit the break was really nice and much needed no doubt!!
#6143 VorpalStorm
Posted 15 June 2008 - 9:11 PM
I haven't posted in a few days, so I get to let you all that I'm not dead or haven't been swallowed up by a random black hole.
Things have been going pretty well. Saw most of my friends from my old school graduate. Going to check out an awesome art college in Emeryville on the 21st. The only bad news thus far is that, while I know I'm going to Olympia, I don't think my friend is going to be able to make it. And while I AM nearly 20, my parents would rather me have a buddy to travel half way around the world with. So we're trying to remedy that. But other than that, trying to iron out some rough spots in my psyche with video games has been working out pretty well. I hope it keeps up!
#6144 inchemwetrust
Posted 16 June 2008 - 4:05 AM
I guess I have alot of time on my hands . .for now!
I admit that I don't go on the net that much but lately I've been coming to this forum more than I thought I would be because for the last 3 months at my job, they hired an extra person to help me do my stuff and it gives me more time to get my work done plus relax and come here.I usually use my workplace internet to chat with you people when i'm off the clock. So I kind of like looking up stuff on the net that pertains to the Bros, and all things 'chemical', but we all have lives of course and sometimes we need to take a step back and enjoy other stuff in our lives or take a breather. But people like you,Pooter,Prochem, and others make me come back here.I guess its the Bros fault for making me a big fan!
I guess this whole 'chemical' thing started for me was 'Delik'. I remember buying a double CD called 'Trance Europe Express 4' (not to be confused with Kraftwerks' stuff) because I enjoyed 'trance' music at the time. I thought it was a 'trance album' but it wasn't. All of the tunes sucked except for 'Delik'. So going with that track, it led me to find the artist of the song by going to a near-by Warehouse Records, where i found the album 'EPD'. I've been a fan of the bros ever since!
mind if i ask which school in Emeryville and what courses do you want study? (i've done the art stuff too!)
Posted 16 June 2008 - 6:57 PM
Oh, and I do hope to see you while in London? Yes?
@Vorpalstorm: Expressions? Is that what you're going to visit? I still have a friend that lives in Emeryville, though he works for a production company in Marin.
@Chemtrust: Aw, feel the love. :)
Bullshit chat with me: Father's Day was great. I'm looking forward to Olympia. I had sex to Simian Mobile Disco's live set from the Electronic Picnic last year. I have surplus beans. I'm finding out fun new facts about cheese. I'm looking forward to the future.
#6147 inchemwetrust
Posted 17 June 2008 - 12:06 AM
My dad had to work on Fathers Day. He's a longshoreman so he got paid pretty good for UTR. So he got home around 10pm and our family was waiting for him so we could have a late dinner!
I got him some Home Depot giftcards and other stuff!
I hate Guoda! but Pooter, you can go ahead and enlighten me on the supernatural powers of other cheeses.
Posted 17 June 2008 - 10:33 PM
Dude--I'd be down to hang out if you make it into San Francisco.
@ChemTrust--Cheese is a bit frightening at first, but damn there are some good ones out there. I'm about halfway in between a Kraft Singles consumer and a mold-munching freak.
Ooh, but if you hate gouda... That's one of my favorites.
#6150 inchemwetrust
Posted 18 June 2008 - 1:40 AM
For some reason,it sounds to me like your eating cheese for the first time! I'm laughing beacuse I can picture you with a gift basket with all the cheeses and trying to figure out the taste and texture differences between mozzarella and provolone! I remember when my family did'nt have much, we eat 'almost' nachos!thats when we would put processed cheese slices over tortilla chips!
Now Monterey Jack seems to be the lock-on choice.
Good choice for learning the fundamentals of game design from the reviews I heard about that school! But I can never do that stuff, (im too old now) but I do look forward to buying a Xbox 720 or PS4 game with your name on the ending credits. Now there's some motivation!
#6151 whirly
Posted 18 June 2008 - 6:29 AM
Vorpal - really awesome you're pursuing a career in the arts!! :mrgreen: <- see, I am green with envy. But in a benevolent way, hehe.
And processed cheese slices have no place in the cheese realm. No place, I say!!
There was this guy that used to post here quite a bit, nowadays and he comes and goes. GLAKO-FAHN. He knew his cheese, for real. And I mean that as a high compliment. Working in his family owned gourmet cheese shop... his knowledge of cheese was astounding. :lol:
Posted 18 June 2008 - 7:25 AM
2 cheeses that I have in my fridge waiting to be eaten:
I like all kinds of cheese. Except maybe cheese with mold on it (oh the irony).
Head Cheese anyone?
Posted 19 June 2008 - 8:32 AM
Technically, its not Cheese at all. It's more like a loaf of meat, containing lips and assholes.
Posted 19 June 2008 - 8:55 PM
Come here gurrrrl, and taste your Papi's head cheese.
#6158 inchemwetrust
Posted 20 June 2008 - 12:29 AM
Can't post much today due to the flu.
Didn't go to work today so I just stayed in bed. I hate staying at home and not being productive.
At least Tom and Ed could of sent me a 'get-well' e-card or something.
I think if I saw your meatloaf-like pic you posted hours ago,I'd be kneeling to the Porcelain God!
#6160 inchemwetrust
Posted 20 June 2008 - 11:52 PM
Thanks Pooter! You could've sent me a stripper nurse (prefer asian)! im pretty much fired up now cause of the bomb that just dropped hours ago! Still listening to it!
As you can see, Im all over this fuckin forum now. The Doc gave me a shot and told me to stay home! Im better now but I missed so much work already and I was falling behind so I worked a couple of hours today to catch-up. And when I got home, EBW 10 showed up!
I have a guide on the net that shows me what and where to go on the weekend in L.A. like shows or clubs and stuff. Then at the last minute,I find out that there was this San Diego Street Scene festival that had Beck, Spiritualized, MGMT, and other good acts yesterday and today.
Another missed opportunity, and so, another day of debauchery slips away!